
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Another Friday...

As my day job I'm an account/bookkeeper by trade.  So needless to say these last few weeks have been busy with month end and year end duties that have flooded my brain with numbers, research and piles of paper. Boxing up the previous year and preparing for the next, purging the old and making room for the new.

Things finally died down at the end of this last week and as I took my daily drive to the post office on Friday I focused on them again. This week there was just couple of people, standing at the edge of the driveway.  You didn't really notice them at first and if you didn't drive by every week, you wouldn't have known why they were there. They didn't hold signs, the woman had a few papers and she scurried across the street as I came around the corner toward them. He continued to stand there with his rosary in his hand; it appeared that he was there to pray. This time as I drove past, I said a prayer myself. For the ones in the clinic, the ones there to make a choice, for the babies that would not know this world, for the pain that will follow those choices. 


I had the opportunity last week to watch a special on MTV that had a panel of three young women discussing the choice of abortion.  Two of the young women had, had an abortion and the third was thinking about having one.  In spite of the words coming out of their mouths the two young woman who were post-abortion, they were both plenty emotional.  They claimed that their choice was for the best, but they had trouble holding it together.  One also claimed to have trouble being around her sister's child, that was something that was difficult.  If she is feeling those kinds of feelings now, then what will she be feeling as time goes by? They provided a hotline number at the end of the program, but everything was based on if it was the right thing at the moment, not about the good of the unborn, or what an abortion would do to the mother after the fact.  The third girl was considering an abortion so she could provide a better life for the child she had recently had.  

I have to ask, if she goes through with it, what will she tell her child about the sibling it will never know? I know that was one of the hardest and things to face for me once it was out, for them to know that there was another.  Did they ever question if I ever thought about aborting either of them, do they blame me for my choice, and do they ever wonder what it would have like to have another sibling? 

I'm thankful that people are starting to have dialog about abortion, even if it's not from a perspective I agree with, at least it has started. I believe that the more open we are about it, the better chance woman will have with choices they make.

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